Welcome to the January 2023 Coral Island development update!
Please check out our Steam page to purchase the game and find out more: swg.gg/corstm
This month, we'll give you a sneak peek at the upcoming Spring Update, which will feature bathing suits, the tree planting festival, wind gate mining, and more!
We're planning to release the Spring Update sometime in March 2023.
Bathing Suits
Coral Island will feature multiple outfits for a large number of NPCs. We're excited to drop the first batch of outfits for the upcoming spring update: bathing suits! Here's a sneak peek of what it will look like.

[bathing suits, coming in hot!]
For some outfits, like seasonal clothing, NPCs start the day wearing them. For outfits like bathing suits, they will change into bathing suits at some point during the day. You can see it in action here:

[this may look familiar if you've ever been obsessed with a certain simulation game...]
To best showcase the new bathing suits, we've added a bunch of new NPC schedules. Whether its downtime at the beach or a nice bath at the hot spring (once you've opened it), there are a lot of new routines for you to discover:

[volleyball, a classic beach activity]

[don't forget to wear your sunscreen!]
Tree Planting Festival
Another WIP festival will be accessible for the upcoming Spring Update: The Tree Planting Festival. The festival takes place every Spring 21 and can be triggered in the forest, right behind your farm. Don't miss it!

[festival area shot]

[everyone is pumped up!]
Wind Gate Mining
The wind gate will become available in the upcoming update. You'll find more gems and, most importantly, come across gold ores in this mining gate. Have a look:

[wind gate mine shot 1]

[wind gate mine shot 2]
New Mine Monsters
You will encounter some new monsters if you visit the mines. Please note that they are still WIP!

[meet new slime]

[meet tuku-tuku]

[meet skully]
At long last, beards! A new customization option: beards are now available!

Thanks for reading,
Stairway Team